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There is a very important reason why Moses admonishes us to be well.  Is it for the purpose of living a blessed life?  Yes it is, but there is something of a more profound nature about this admonition which involves the very plan of YHVH.  As we remember, YHVH’s plan is the building of a house so that His Son and His Son’s Bride can marry and live in that house.  The plan is about the house being turned into a home and the addition of children into that loving environment.  In other words, YHVH is begetting His Family.


Moses makes the ‘be well’ admonition to the children of Israel AND their descendants (Deuteronomy 29:14-15) for the distinct purpose of enabling them to understand how to go about becoming part of that Family plan.

When we go back to the time of creation, the previous five days set the stage for the sixth day when YHVH created man and set His purpose for mankind into full action.  That purpose is revealed in the words YHVH speaks on that sixth day when man is about to be created; “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” (Genesis 1:26).  YHVH is begetting His family.  We have all noticed the painstaking details within Torah about the lineages of the fathers; Adam begat Seth, Seth begat Enos; or Noah begat Shem…  There are many chapters like this which we tend to just glance over as we read through the Torah, but in the back of our minds we wonder why these chapters and verses of repetitious form are included.  It is actually far more than a genealogy lesson, it is reminding us about the purpose of mankind and that we are begotten of YHVH – to be His sons and daughters (1 John 5:18; 1 Peter 1:3).

handSprout   YHVH intends that all mankind will be His children, therefore, at man’s creation; He established the process by which His seed (His likeness) would be manifested in each generation.  Yet YHVH made one very important stipulation at that time – a stipulation that would reveal the good ground on which His seed could be planted – He gave mankind the ability to choose.  The ability to choose is closely tied in with the heart and the emotion of love; this is the ground or field where the seed is sown.  It is out of love (or the action of giving[i]) that we choose or do anything willingly.   Having a good (loving) heart (field) allows the seed to produce good fruit (Luke 8:15).

The very first significant choice was made in the surroundings of the Garden of Eden.  The action of giving (love) was present but it was focused on self instead of towards YHVH, therefore the heart was not good ground upon which His seed could grow.  The ground (heart) had become contaminated which brought about the insertion of mixture into YHVH’s seed which corrupted its original Godly nature.  The begotten offspring of YHVH – our father Adam and our mother Eve, were now genetically modified – altered by the evil one.

GMO    With the choice made by Adam and Eve and YHVH’s seed corrupted, was YHVH’s plan thwarted?  YHVH is in charge of ALL things and that includes watching over His seed.  YHVH is not defenseless in this matter and being the Master Gardener, He is so wise as to know that a righteous gardener maintains a remnant of seed to nurture and protect.  That is why throughout the lineages of man up to Abraham, we can see that there was always one man who lived and was pleasing in the sight of YHVH.  By the time Abraham was alive, YHVH knew it was time to expand on His remnant seed.  That is why He states to Abraham that He is Abraham’s shield (Genesis 15:1).  Through Abraham, YHVH would build the nation of Israel – the physical example of YHVH’s seed manifested in its proper nature.

This is the basic outline which Moses understood and as he shepherded the children of Israel for the forty years in the wilderness, he spent the time admonishing them about this great plan of YHVH’s.  They had already covenanted with YHVH at Mt. Sinai, agreeing to be His people and live His way of life.  It took one full generation away from Egypt for this people to begin to grasp that they were His original seed and no longer subject to the outcome of the choice that took place in the Garden of Eden.


In Deuteronomy – book five of the Torah – Moses is recorded saying the words, “…be well with you…” six (6) times [Deuteronomy 5:33; Deuteronomy 6:3, 18; Deuteronomy 12:25, 28; Deuteronomy 22:7 in the NASB]. In other verses of Deuteronomy, Moses is recorded on three (3) occasions to say, “that it may go well with you” [Deuteronomy 4:40; Deuteronomy 5:16; Deuteronomy 9:13 – NASB].  And he admonishes us five (5) more times with the incentive that it ‘prolong our days’ [Deuteronomy 5:33; Deuteronomy 11:9; Deuteronomy 22: 7; Deuteronomy 30:18; Deuteronomy 32:47 – NASB].  These three admonitions which Moses spoke were not spoken as three separate admonitions; instead they were spoken in a collaborative manner.  This reveals that the admonitions are about our whole ability to live, since our lives revolve around being well, going well and wanting to prolong our days.  So we need to ask ourselves, what was he meaning by these terms and why did he say them so many times?

These repeated admonitions “that it may be well with you”, “that it may go well with you” and “that it prolong your days” are words he gave us as the connection to understanding there is something far deeper and more dramatic to be applied here.  These words transcend the understanding of only having a blessed physical life.


YHVH’s Family plan addresses the issue regarding His maintaining a remnant of uncontaminated seed.  As mentioned earlier, He announced to Abraham that He would be his shield at the same time He announced that Abraham would have a son and many descendants (Genesis 15).  Abraham’s offspring would be that remnant as Joseph eloquently announces to his brothers when he makes himself known to them (Genesis 45:7).

When man sinned after having made that first choice in the Garden of Eden (and the genetically modified seed has been rampant upon the Earth ever since), YHVH has manifested His seed in a remnant people throughout the descendants of man.  As we skip through the generations of man, we see YHVH’s shielding of His seed in the salvation of Noah and his family (Genesis 6:17-18) and the salvation of Jacob and his family through Joseph in Egypt.  And we see that same shielding with the children of Israel as He brings them out of Egypt and maintains them in the wilderness.  We see that shielding continue through the lives of many people including Joshua, Deborah, Samson, Samuel, David and the prophets.

Each scriptural example of Godly shielding involves a very important element – the separation or sanctification of His seed.  That is what a shield does; it separates and protects whoever is behind the shield from the harmful elements which are in front of the shield.  In this case, it is His seed who is behind the shield.

In gardening terms, YHVH shields that seed and the plant that grows from it, protecting it from the possibility of cross pollination (mixing, mingling) and the resulting corruption brought about by any genetically modified plant that probably is growing in the proximity.  It encompasses the ability for light, water and nutrients to be readily available and usable to the Godly seed and plant, while at the same time rebuffing the invasion of harmful cross pollination of the genetically modified plants.  For people who grow plants, the problem of protecting one’s plants from harmful contaminants is an ongoing issue.  Physically, it is impossible to totally protect a plant from harmful elements without also cutting off the supplies of needed light, water, air and nutrients.  Therefore, it brings up the intriguing question; how does this impressive shield work?


To begin understanding how this impressive shield protects but still allows the seed to grow, we must first understand the circumstances of why Moses wrote the admonitions in this last book of the Torah.  Throughout the book of Deuteronomy, Moses would speak multiple times about the key element that would enable them to experience the blessings of being well, going well and living a prolonged life.  That key element will be discussed further along.

Moses wrote the book of Deuteronomy from the aspect that he knew his days as guide and shepherd of the nation of Israel were drawing to a close.

moses writing   Obviously, he determined this by the words of YHVH, Who had told Moses he would not enter the Promised Land, because of the error he made when he struck the Rock instead of speaking to the Rock.  Moses felt compelled to write the Torah books because once again, the whole congregation of Israel was at the gate leading into the Promised Land and poised to enter.  Since Israel was a nation with a new generation who had been forged from the wilderness, who knew that YHVH fought the battles because they were taught this every time the priest of war (Phinehas) would attend with the troops before battle [Numbers 31:6; Deuteronomy 20:1-4].  And this generation knew that YHVH was with them because the evidence was revealed in the successful outcomes of the battles.

So Moses felt quite assured that this generation of Israel would not be frightened by the inhabitants of the Promised Land as had been the previous generation who walked out of Egypt.  He knew that this time, the children of Israel would cross over into The Land and he knew that he could not lead them there.

Therefore, he felt compelled that the words and admonitions he had been inspired to give to the children of Israel over the decades in the wilderness needed to be recorded for posterity.  He knew this because YHVH had also inspired him with insight into the future of this people that he has been shepherding [Deuteronomy chapters 31 and 32].


Since Moses saw into the future that the children of Israel would breach the shielding by stepping out from behind it and becoming mingled with the nations around them (i.e. the cross pollination and corruption of the original Godly seed) he realized that the admonitions he has been teaching the people was life saving.  These admonitions were the key that connected the understanding of how one goes about staying behind the shield and why it is so important to remain there.

The chapters and verses of the scriptures noted in the banner of this blog have the answer imbedded within.  The first part of the key to enable one to stay behind the shield is to perform an action which Moses repeatedly expressed in the same verses; “you shall DO…”.   While researching the Hebrew words associated with the English word ‘do’, we find there are a few different words and meanings applied.  However, for the specific scriptures we are focused on, only one Hebrew word consistently is used, that being the word ‘asah’ (H6213).  The Strong’s Concordance gives extensive definitions about this verb.

The beauty of verbs (defining an action) is that we can visualize the action being taken.  So here is this word ‘asah’ with the overall definitions of ‘accomplish, make, prepare, celebrate, observe, acquire, to bring about…’.  Each one of these definitions is something we can visualize in our minds.  For example, the action of ‘make’; for some people the visualized image would be of mom in the kitchen making dinner, for others is could be a potter making a clay bowl – each one of us will have our very own unique mental image that is evoked with the word ‘make’.

Let’s look at ‘observe’ which is another definition of ‘do’; this is a word that implies something far more dynamic than making something, this word implies following the instructions of another.  The visual image would be that of an older son or daughter making the meal at the request (and to the specifications) of the mother.  Or the visualization would be of a potters apprentice forming a clay bowl under the watchful eye of the master potter.  Both are observing (following) the instructions given to them.

Okay, now we know that it requires us to be “doer’s” who are active in making something happen and who are observant in following the necessary instructions so that the item being made happens successfully.  Take the time to look up each of the verb definitions for ‘asah’ (do), visualize the action and discover a deeper understanding of this word.

THE KEY POINT OF MOSES’ ADMONITIONS  (Second part of the key)

Now that we know we are to be active and DOING something, it brings up a question.  WHAT is it that we are supposed to do?  Again, we just need to look at the words in the instruction manual – the Torah and we will understand the second part of the key.  Through it all, Moses is quite prolific with details about what it is we are supposed to do in order to live well, go well and have a prolonged life behind the shield of Abraham.   These are blessings he is telling us that we can enjoy IF we make it our priority to accomplish the first part of the key by observing (doing) ‘something’, but what is that ‘something’, that second part of the key?   That ‘something’ is doing the commands, statutes, laws and ordinances. 

People couldn’t just DO anything they pleased to acquire these blessings.  YHVH understood that people needed something to refer to, so He set up a step-by-step set of instruction as a guide to help bring these blessings into reality.  Remember the analogy of the children in the kitchen helping Mom and the potters apprentice creating a clay bowl?  Each of them was following the step-by-step instructions of their “torah’s” to make the dinner properly or for the bowl to be well balanced and beautiful.  This enabled them to ‘be well’ or enjoy their finished project but also to experience ‘going well’ while they were in the midst of ‘making’ (doing) the project.

This brings to mind James 1:22; “Prove yourselves to be doers of the word and not merely hearers who delude themselves.”  ‘Doers of the word’ – what is meant by “the word”?  Verses 25 explains this; “But one who looks [observes] intently at the perfect law [the word], the law of liberty, and abides by it [observes], not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does.” (emphasis mine).  The word is the perfect law, the very law which YHVH broke down into commandments, statutes, laws and ordinances written in the Torah.  What a blessing to have as the outcome of doing the commandments, statutes, laws and ordinances, to live a prolonged physical life that goes well and brings well-being.


Everyone wants to enjoy this type of blessed life but is that the real point to doing and observing the commandments, statutes, laws and ordinances?  Is there something tied into all this that has far more dramatic ramifications than first blush reveals?

There sure is.  Jeremiah chapter seven (7) alludes to this dramatic ramification.  In this chapter, Jeremiah is instructed by YHVH to go to the gate of the LORD’s house and proclaim a severe warning to Judah.  This warning revealed what YHVH saw happening in The Land and how it angered Him greatly that the people were not living according to the commands, statutes, laws and ordinances He had passed along through Moses.  In verse 23, YHVH reminds Judah through Jeremiah that if they kept the instruction of Torah (His voice), that He would be their God and they would be His people and it would be well with them.

This is the point; observing the instructions of Torah brings about more than just living a prolonged life that goes well and brings well-being.  The people who live this ‘well’ way of life become His people and He becomes their God.  And what is so significant about being His people?

We become an example (a light) to the world.  Ever since man made that choice to not listen to YHVH (back in the Garden of Eden), He – in His wisdom –  has maintained a remnant seed – one nation to represent His way of life on this planet.  As that seed grows it reveals its Godly beauty, outshining the ungodly seeds.   The analogy of a candle shining in the darkness is brought forth in the New Covenant or B’rit Chadashah (Matthew 4:16; Matthew 5:14-16; plus many more).  Being that example or shining light is to provide hope to the vast majority of peoples who live life in darkness – that upon seeing the living example of Godly life (light) they have hope in knowing they too can experience the same blessings they see within the light.

lighthouse    By being well, going well and having a prolonged life is following the command by Yeshua to go into the world and preach the gospel.  This manner of ‘preaching’ (simply living life Torah style) is a far more powerful shining of His light than speaking to people ever could be (Matthew 5:14-16).  Light ‘preaches’ but it doesn’t make a sound.

It’s amazing that YHVH’s approach is so well rounded and complete.  Every element of His plan not only accomplishes the task of blessing His people (His seed, His reflected Light), it also enables those who are living in darkness to see a light and have hope as they are drawn to it.

Yet, there is one more deep understanding to ponder.  How do those who live in darkness come into the light?  How do those who have existed beyond YHVH’s shield come behind it and receive protection?  And how does a genetically modified seed become an original seed?


As we all know, the children of Israel eventually disregarded this admonition from Moses and began to mix with the cultures and religions of nations around them.  Figuratively speaking, they purposely walked around YHVH’s shield and became exposed.  When this happened, the ability to ‘be well’, etc. was no longer something they possessed.  Instead, they were dispersed into a life of servitude and oppression even to this day.

By being exposed, their seed became genetically modified and corrupt.  Yet, YHVH is far more powerful and knowledgeable than merely knowing how to shield His seed.  He is the Master Gardener Who knows how to return that genetically modified seed to its original state.

When YHVH created the physical realm and the seeds of plants, animals and man, He installed a genetic code into that seed so that it would yield future seed after its kind (Genesis 1).  Even with genetic modification, that seed continues to yield after its own kind.  A genetically modified wheat kernel still produces another wheat kernel – it does not change into a flowering plant.  Or a genetically modified sheep does not give birth to a baby goat.  The modifications which can be made – either physically by man or spiritually by hasatan are restricted in their ability to corrupt.

Remember Jeremiah chapter seven?  All that the nation of Judah needed to do to be His people was to stop their corrupt ways and begin to keep His instructions (the Torah – His word).  The first step in this process is to hear the instructions so we know what to do.  As we hear (shema), our hearts return to the fathers and we learn what our fathers DID.  We learn to DO as they did and begin to see how much they loved YHVH.  We begin to obey Him via the commands, statutes, laws and ordinances and learn to love Him as deeply as our fathers.  This is the de-contamination process of the seed and brings that seed behind His shield.

So, when we hear (shema) the words which Moses admonishes us (that we are to do the commands, statutes, laws and ordinances of YHVH so that it may be well with us, go well with us and prolong our days), we are starting the return to the incorruptible state and becoming a Godly seed.  As we do these commandments, statutes, laws and ordinances we are staying behind the shield of YHVH and remain separate from the corruptible.   Living a blessed Torah lifestyle (physically and spiritually), sheltered by His shield, acts as a powerful example (light) to the world.  This is the manner in which we are to go into all the darkness of the world preaching the gospel to everyone.

Those in the dark will be hard-pressed not to see the light as it shines forth from the shield.  They are the genetically modified seeds, which still have the memory of the genetic code within them and will naturally be drawn to this light.  Once they make the choice that they want to be well, live well and have prolonged days by being protected behind the shield, the decontamination process begins for a new crop of seeds.  And then others see this process happening and the cycle continues.   Each de-contaminated seed will begin to experience life in the incorruptible way of YHVH (I Peter 1:23).  Each de-contaminated seed will be washed by the word of Yeshua (Ephesians 5:25), viewed by the Father through the blood of Yeshua (Hebrews 10:9; Ephesians 2:13; as we ‘draw near’) and viewed by everyone as a member of His Family.

In the end, YHVH begets His descendants and His Family grows, just like Abraham’s family grew so numerous that today,  it is like the stars of the sky and the sand of the seas.  Therefore, do the commandments, statutes, laws and ordinances that it may it be well, that it may go well and that you may have a prolonged life as members of His Family.

[i] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od-xkRDw6nk  Rabbi Mordechai Kraft of TorahAnytime.com – the Hebrew language is the DNA of creation.

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