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Red Heifers, Joseph, Noah and the Ezekiel 38/39 War

There is more information on this topic and others at our new website:

Elohim’s Perspective“.


Shalom everyone,

This open letter is being posted as something different than my typical posts and will be more about some special world news.  What makes this post stand out is the tie-in of prophecy to this news item.  But you can relax, it won’t be preachy.

As most of you know, there are now 5 red heifers living in Israel. 

For those who don’t know, the announcement on September 15, 2022 about these red heifers now in Israel was ground-breaking. 

Before going any further, there may be a few folks who might need a little background information to help understand why these red heifers in Israel are such exciting news.

Since the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD, our Jewish brethren (and many others) have desired to rebuild the temple and restart the temple service.  Temple service revolves around the altar and the daily sacrifices.  In 1987 a non-profit organization was founded called Temple Institute, dedicated to the rekindling of all things pertaining to the Temple and its rebuilding.  They have everything ready to start the temple service and have been waiting for just two final things to fall in place.  One is the ability to set up the altar on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and the second is to have ashes of a red heifer for purification. The Temple Institute and most Jewish scholars believe that these ashes herald the coming of the Jewish Messiah due to the prophecy of the 10th red heifer, thus the profound importance that is placed upon them at this time.  

Finding a red heifer that qualifies according to the scriptures (Numbers 19) is challenging, but in 2022, a rancher in Texas was able to breed 5 of these special female cows.  They have met the requirements thus far and the intent is to sacrifice them in 2023 when they are of age (according to Rabbinic law).  Students of eschatology (like myself) find this news especially exciting and we will watch 2023 with great interest to see if there is a sacrifice of one or more of these heifers to make the waters of purification for the temple items.

Eschatology students (studying end time events) understand the sequence of how these final two events will happen.  It is understood that the ashes of a red heifer will be readied first since there is nothing to block the nascent Sanhedrin from performing this task.  The ability to build the altar on the Temple Mount will require a different approach since this area is under Jordanian control. It will require an event that will rock the world.  That event will be a regional war which will be won by the God of Israel.  This means that the Temple Mount will come under Israeli control (it is currently under Jordanian control). 

In the scriptures, this regional war is prophesied in Ezekiel 38 and 39.  It is also known as the Gog/Magog war.

The Temple Institute has said that once this war is won, they will set up the altar right away and perform the eight day dedication ceremony. Then the altar will be operational and the ability to worship God as outlined in the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) can take place. Included in all this will be creation of the red heifer ashes of purification for the people.

With that understanding, I would like to draw our attention to the timing of the Gog/Magog war.

Watching social media and hearing others speak about events that are happening and escalating in our current year of 2022, many believe they will see the Gog/Magog war take place sometime in October or November or December, 2022.

Clearly this has not happened, but now many are speaking about this war happening sometime in the spring or summer of 2023. However – IT IS NOT TIME YET.

For many years, I have been immersed in an eschatology project that has opened up so much about what the end time prophecies are all about.  This study has shown me the clear path about what will transpire in end time prophecies and has resulted in the development of a comprehensive timeline that has been developed as Biblical and non-human biased as possible.

With so many scriptures about prophecy incorporated into this timeline, it can only be described as very detailed.  Thus, I plan to make it available to everyone around the start of 2023 as a video presentation. 

Anyways, this study and the resulting timeline clearly show that the Gog/Magog war may very well happen on October 31/November 1, 2023. 

In the Hebrew civil calendar, this date is Cheshvan 17.  Cheshvan is the second month of the civil calendar, which the scriptures say is the month and day Noah’s flood began.  There are clear parallels of these two events and they act as clues to understand the timing of the Gog/Magog war, but I won’t go into detail here.  Click this LINK to read the article I wrote which will give more understanding of this perspective. 

Also, this Gog/Magog war begins another set of prophecies…the time of plenty and the time of famine of the hearing of the words of the LORD.  Click this LINK to read the article I wrote which explains how the time of plenty and famine in the account of Joseph in Egypt will be repeated in these end times.

Please join me in watching the events that will unfold in 2023, especially pertaining to the red heifer sacrifice AND the war footing in the Middle East.  We are in the end times and if the timeline I have developed proves to be accurate regarding the Gog/Magog war, 2023 will confirm that for us.  As mentioned, sometime in early 2023 I plan to have the full timeline available online for anyone to access.  Meanwhile, I have attached an overview chart of the 70 Weeks prophecy which can offer visual insight of what I have alluded to in this posting.

As with all prophecies, they end with uplifting information.  When people hear the words ‘end times’ or ‘tribulation’ they become deeply afraid of all the death and destruction that is portrayed within the prophetic scriptures.  What most people don’t realize is that this death and destruction is not aimed at those who call upon His name – Yeshua haMashiach – and who believe and trust Him (faith).  We either experience a place of safety if we are in Judea or we experience the Greater Exodus if we are in the rest of the world. 

Check out more end times posting under the green banner at the top; “End Times Articles”

Be well, go well and live well everyone,


The little black icons represent other articles specific to the points on the chart. In order from left to right, top to bottom:

Noah’s Flood and the Gog/Magog War

Judgment of Esau During the Gog/Magog War

Gog/Magog War – Results in 7 Years of Plenty?

70 Weeks/Shavuots Prophecy of Daniel 9 – Overview Explanation

Gog/Magog War and the Kings of the North/South War: Are They the Same?

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